PURPLE Registry data access is a two-step process.
All study proposals are reviewed by the PURPLE Steering Committee to assess scientific merit, feasibility and ensure the proposal is aligned with the study objectives.
Once Steering Committee approval has been granted, the PURPLE Project team will submit successful requests through the BioGrid Australia Data Access Request System to access the specified data.
Part 1: Seek PURPLE Steering Committee Approval
Complete a PURPLE Project Proposal and Data Access Request Form:
1. Project details
Project personnel, institution, & funding source
2. Scientific Merit
Rationale and objectives of the project
3. Ethics approval
Ensure project satisfies research ethics committee requirements
4. Data Specifications
List participating sites & data points required
5. Data security
Detail security & archiving arrangements for the data
Submit proposal and if approved by Steering Committee —
Part 2: Data custodians, review and data access
6. Request sent to participating site data custodians
PURPLE Project Team request data access approval from participating site data custodians
7. Final project review
BioGrid confirms ethics and site custodian(s) approval are in place
8. Data access granted
Data extraction, analyses and report provided to researcher