Early onset pancreatic cancer: Is there more to age than stage? Shehara Mendis
Project aim: This project aims to assess within a contemporary Australian cohort whether there are patient, tumour or treatment factors that impact on survival outcome differences between early onset pancreatic cancer and later onset pancreatic cancer over and above stage at diagnosis.
Investigating the 'real-world' clinical impact of treatment sequencing and genomic alterations in advanced pancreatic cancer management and survival outcomes. Jordan Santucci, Belinda Lee.
Project aim: The primary aim of this study is to compare progression free survival and overall survival in advanced PDAC patients receiving different first line palliative chemotherapies and the impact of treatment sequencing on survival outcomes.
Exploring the value of radiomic analysis in pancreatic cancer management. Hyun Ko
Project aim: The aim of this study is to determine the association between pancreatic cancer (PDAC) textural radiological features from routine care staging computer tomography (CT) scans, treatment responses and survival outcomes.
Is less more? The real world comparison of triplet, doublet, and, monotherapy chemotherapy in the adjuvant treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Anthony Hamilton
Hypothesis: Patient's treated with modified FOLFIRINOX as adjuvant treatment for resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma have a longer survival than patient's treated with combination gemcitabine and capecitabine or with gemcitabine alone
Disparities in management and outcomes for patient with pancreatic cancer in rural versus metropolitan Australia -a retrospective cohort study. Wesley Harrison, Rob Zielinski, Georgina Luscombe.
Project aim: The primary aim of this study to determine if patients with pancreatic cancer from regional and rural NSW have a poorer overall survival than their peers from metropolitan centres and if so, the magnitude of difference.
An analysis of how limited English proficiency, and the need for an interpreter, may impact systemic treatment and outcomes in metastatic pancreatic patients using the PURPLE database. Colin Williams
Project aim: The aim of the research is to quantify the systemic treatment and survival outcomes between the general population and those who require an interpreter whilst looking at an Australian metastatic pancreatic cancer population.
Neoadjuvant vs. Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Up-front Resectable Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma - A Multi-centre Australasian Analysis. Bartholomew McKay, Brett Knowles.
Project aim: We aim to assess in an Australasian cohort whether there is a difference in overall survival in early resectable head of pancreas ductal adenocarcinoma between patients receiving neoadjuvant vs. adjuvant chemotherapy.
Investigating treatment responses, therapy and molecular characterisation patterns in Pancreatic cancer. Eric Tian, Jordan Santucci, Belinda Lee.
Project aim: This project aims to assess disease stage at presentation, subsequent treatments administered and correlate outcomes for pancreatic cancer with genomic findings to determine if this impacts treatment responses.
Incidence and Referral Patterns for Pancreatic Cancer. Emma Sanderson.
Project aim: This project proposes to assess the demographics for early and advanced pancreatic cancer within a contemporary, metropolitan Australian cohort. It will also examine the patterns of presentation, sources of referral to specialist services and timing of initial specialist assessment. It is hypothesised that there will be sub-groups identified within this cohort that are disproportionately affected by pancreatic cancer. These include patients from culturally and linguistically diverse background and patients who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
Early stage Pancreatic cancer outcomes in the public and private setting. Annie Guo, Belinda Lee.
Project aim: This project aims to assess and compare the rate and outcomes of surgical resections for early stage pancreatic cancer across a number of private and public Australian hospitals.
Analysing the effects of current smoking on treatment outcomes in metastatic and locally advanced pancreatic carcinoma. Faisal Hayat, Fiona Day.
Project aim: The research aim is to correlate current smoking (i.e. smoking at cancer diagnosis) with progression free survival on first line systemic therapy, cancer-specific survival and overall survival.
Pancreatic cancer radiomics response and survival analysis project. Hyun Ko, Belinda Lee.
Project aim: The purpose of this retrospective review is to examine the outcomes of patients in 3 separate cohort - resectable, borderline resectable and unresectable tumours and assess if a non-invasive radiomic biomarker can predict the tumour heterogeneity and treatment responses.
Patterns and determinants of recurrence for pancreatic cancer. Eden Stone-Eilam, Colin Williams, Belinda Lee
Project aim: To evaluate patterns and associated timelines of recurrence in patients with resected pancreatic cancer.
Use of neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy in borderline resectable and locally advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Avtaj Nerwal, Ankit Jain.
Project aim: This project aims to assess the use of neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy in the treatment of patients diagnosed with borderline resectable and locally advanced pancreatic ductal adneocarcinoma.
COVID-19 – The impact of a global pandemic on the diagnosis and management of colorectal and pancreatic Cancers. Meagan Inglis, Peter Gibbs.
Project aim: The aim of the research is to identify the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the stage, diagnosis and treatment of Colorectal and Pancreatic cancer. We hypothesise that reduced access to and uptake of services for the screening and management of colorectal cancer has led to an increase in late stage disease, and reduced access to adjuvant/palliative treatments resulting in poorer health outcomes. Conversely, we hypothesise the impact on Pancreatic cancer outcomes to be less pronounced as patients often present symptomatic with late stage disease. We will also examine for any change in chemotherapy prescribing behaviour across 2020-2021 relative previous years.
Investigating the impact of the immune-inflammatory index and immune biomarkers in Pancreatic cancer. Belinda Lee.
Project aim: To evaluate the impact of the immune-inflammatory index on outcomes and treatment responses in pancreatic cancer.