Current Victorian pancreatic cancer clinical trials and research studies
If you’re interested in finding out more about current pancreatic cancer clinical trials and research studies that are open for enrolment in Victoria, you can view the latest listings here.
Currently open trials
How clinical trials work
If you would like to learn more about what clinical trials are and what they can offer you, please download the booklet below for more information.
Understanding Clinical Trials - information booklet
How to find a clinical trial
There are many resources available to help you navigate your way to finding a clinical trial. Sometimes, knowing the status or stage of your pancreatic cancer can help you to find a trial that is appropriate for you. If you are unsure about the stage of your cancer you can ask your specialist or GP. Direct links to organisations that list available trials are provided below.
Australian Cancer Trials
Cancer Australia’s online registry of cancer clinical trials that are currently being conducted in Australia.
Visit Website
Australian Clinical Trials
National resource developed by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and managed by the Commonwealth Department of Health that lists available clinical trials in a range of health conditions.
Visit Website
Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry
Online registry of clinical trials covering a range of health conditions that are being conducted in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere.
Visit Website
Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Cancer Trials Group
A multidisciplinary collaborative group of medical and research professionals who conduct clinical trials and related biological research to improve treatment for gastro-intestinal cancers, including pancreatic cancer.
Visit Website Open trials
Victorian specific
Cancer Council Victoria
Provides a list of all available cancer clinical trials being conducted in Victoria via the Victorian Cancer Trials Link. Also provides cancer information and resources.
Visit Website
Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre
The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Peter Mac) offers a wide range of clinical trials to improve treatment options and experiences for patients.
Visit Website
Epworth Healthcare - Jreissati Pancreatic Centre
Provides a list of pancreatic cancer clinical trials being conducted in one or more of the Victorian Epworth HealthCare sites. Also provides pancreatic cancer information and resources.
Visit Website Current trials