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FAQs for Patients & Carers

I’ve been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and would like to find out what clinical trial options might be available for me. Where do I start?

Read about some of the possible options here. If you’re interested in taking part in a clinical trial, you can print out a list of current pancreatic cancer clinical trials (in Victoria) here. You can take the sheet with you to your next appointment and discuss your thoughts with your specialist. They can help you find a suitable trial and arrange a referral for you. 

If you're interested in finding a trial in another state of Australia, read the information further down this page on 'How to Find a Clinical trial'. There are links to national websites where you can search for pancreatic cancer clinical trials. 

Alternatively, you can submit your details here and a member of the PURPLE Translational Registry team will contact you and discuss some possible options. 

I’m unsure about the stage of my pancreatic cancer. How can I find out?

The easiest way is to ask your doctor as they have access to all of your test results. 

Otherwise, Cancer Council Victoria is a reliable source of information on cancer. Read their information on Understanding Pancreatic Cancer.  The section on ‘Staging Pancreatic Cancer’ (pgs. 23 & 24) can help you learn about how the different stages of pancreatic cancer are described.

Find out more  

How can I find a pancreatic cancer clinical trial that is right for me?

For clinical trials available in Australia, you can refer to the information found on our Join a Clinical Trial page. 

You can learn more about clinical trials by downloading the Victorian Cancer Council 'Understanding Clinical Trials & Research' booklet. 

For clinical trials specifically available in Victoria, follow the link to Cancer Council Victoria Clinical Trials and enter the key word ‘pancreas’. Follow the prompts on the screen to filter and search for a trial that is suitable for your circumstance.  

Knowing the stage of your cancer can help you search for appropriate clinical trials.

I’m interested in finding out about a WEHI clinical trial, how can I learn more?

To view a current list of pancreatic cancer clinical trials that are supported by the WEHI and the PURPLE Registry, click here.

I’d like to join one of the WEHI pancreatic cancer clinical trials. What is the first step?

You can start by registering your interest - enter your contact details here and a member of the PURPLE team will get in touch with you to discuss relevant clinical trial options that may be available to you.

I would like my pancreatic cancer medical information to be included in the PURPLE Translational Registry so it can be used to support ongoing pancreatic cancer research. How do I go about having it submitted?

You can submit an ‘Expression of Interest’ form here and a member of the PURPLE team will contact you and let you know how you can have your pancreatic cancer information included.

You may already be receiving treatment at a cancer centre that partners with PURPLE who contributes data in an ethical and secure way. You can refer to our Participating Sites page to see if your hospital or cancer centre is one of our PURPLE ethically approved contributors.

What are some examples of research that PURPLE Registry data has been used for?

Researchers can apply to use PURPLE Registry data to support research that aims to improve treatment and outcomes for people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. 

To read some examples of research studies that have used PURPLE Registry data please refer to our Publications page.

Do you have another question or need help finding some other information about pancreatic cancer?  

We're happy to answer your question by email or call you back if you prefer. 

Please contact us by sending an email with your question to:

More information for patients

How to Get Involved

There are a number of ways you can be involved and contribute to pancreatic cancer research with the PURPLE Translational Platform.

Read more
What is Pancreatic Cancer?

There are many online sites available for patients and carers that provide a wealth of information on pancreatic cancer.

Read more
Information & Support

There are many organisations that provide comprehensive information, resources, and support for pancreatic cancer patients and those caring for them.

Read more

for patients 
